2014 Ford F-150
2014 Ford F-150 XLState: | Georgia |
City: | Hampton |
Address: | 35 Elm Str |
Zip code: | 30228 |
Make: | Ford |
Model: | F150 |
Body type: | Pickup / Truck |
Year: | 2014 |
Mileage: | 36438 |
Interior color: | Gray |
Exterior color: | white |
Transmission: | Automatic |
Engine: | V8, 5.0L; FFV |
Trim Level: | STX; XL; XLT; FX2; Lariat |
Body Type: | 4 Door Cab; Super Cab; Styleside |
Manufacturer: | Ford Motor Company |
Production Seq. Number: | E71673 |
Fuel Type: | Gasoline/E85 |
Engine Code: | F |
Drive Line Type: | RWD |
Vehicle Type: | Pickup Truck |
Vehicle Class: | Full-size Pickup |
Brake System: | Hydraulic |
Restraint System: | Dual Air Bag; Manual Belts; Side Air Bag |
Country: | UNITED STATES |
Assy. Plant: | Kansas City: Claycomo, MO |
GVWR Class: | Class F: 7,001-8,000 lb |
Tonnage: | 1/2 |
Check Digit: | 4 |
MPG: | A6:15-21-17/S6:15-21-17 |
AAIA: | 207557/207560/207563/207565/207566/210393/210396/210399/210401/210402 |
AAIA_ENGINE: | 13804/13809 |
AAIA_VehicleID: | 207557/207557/207560/207563/207565/207566 |
AAIA_EngineConfigID: | 13804/13809/13809/13809/13809/13809 |
AAIA_TransmissionID: | 2937/2937/2937/2937/2937/2937 |
AAIA_BodyStyleConfigID: | 77/77/77/77/77/77 |
AAIA_BrakeConfigID: | 6/6/6/6/6/6 |
AAIA_DriveTypeID: | 7/7/7/7/7/7 |
AAIA_SpringTypeConfigID: | 8/8/8/8/8/8 |
The truck is in an ideal condition, with a single previous owner. It's a car for men with strong features.
Other options:
Air Bags
Air Conditioning, Airbags, Alloy Wheels, Antilock Brakes, Air Bag - Side Curtain, Cruise Control, Heated Seats, Power Brakes, Power Steering, Power Window, Rear Window Defroster